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A MAZE./ Johannesburg

13.—16. September 2017, Tshimologong Precinc, Johannesburg, Südafrika

A MAZE./ Johannesburg - is the International Game and Playful Media Festival that brings together international independent game developers, digital creatives and game enthusiasts - we are celebrating experimental and independent games culture between September 13—16, 2017.


For the 6th year running, Johannesburg will be the place to be if you want to experience a public festival that is an investigation of the artistic and cultural significance of games. Expect a mind-blowing music lineup, a hand selected exhibition of video games, virtual reality experiences and interactive installations.


The event will also include:

Exciting workshops and talks by game makers and playful media creators from around the world and Africa

Pulsating curated arcade and vr section of African games and installations, with a cherry picked  selection of some of the world’s most challenging and stirring digital experiences

Cool music line-up of electronic music, alternative controller games, screenings, and tournaments

The 3rd A MAZE. Johannesburg Awards in three categories.


Programm, Tickets und alle Infos gibt es auf der Webseite.


Text: Pressenachricht A MAZE./ Johannesburg

Bild: Quicket