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Clash of Realities 2015
Call for Summit »Ethik und Games«

Im November findet erneut die internationale Konferenz Clash of Realities der TH Köln statt. Noch bis Montag, den 5. Oktober können Beitragsvorschläge eingereicht werden für den Themenstrang »Ethik und Games« bzw. »Ethics in Digital Games«. Im Call dazu heißt es:

»Today video games are not only perceived as entertainment but also as a valid medium of education. This development has opened new paths for Media Education, particularly the pedagogic capacity of digital games.

The 2015 Media Education Summit will place special focus on the theme of Ethics and Digital Games and aims to address fundamental questions concerning moral choices within and around digital games. In so doing, this Summit will provide an environment for the reflection on and creative engagement with the ethics of and in gaming.

In addition to theoretical issues, this summit will also deal with the question of how a pedgagoically-focused engagement with digital games might encourage the most compelling presentation of their form and content, so that target groups feel addressed and encouraged to actively participate.

The Media Education Summit of the Clash of Realities conference will allow members of the Media Education community to share and discuss current/the(ir) latest research findings, ideas, approaches and good practices through lectures and workshops, as well as deliver solutions for practical challenges involving video games and Media Education.«

Den vollständigen Call als PDF gibt es hier, auch auf Deutsch: Call for Summit »Ethik und Games«.