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International Games Week Berlin 2014

8.—13. April 2014, Cafe Moskau und weitere Locations, Berlin

The INTERNATIONAL GAMES WEEK BERLIN 2014 is a leading cross-industry communication and networking platform for games business, development and culture. More than six individual events over six days offer a plethora of information on the topic of games. Participants include German and international game developers, publishers, investors and gamers as well as representatives of public institutions and the media industry. In 2013, more than 6,000 visitors came to the Games Capital of Berlin-Brandenburg. The INTERNATIONAL GAMES WEEK BERLIN 2014 follows in the footsteps of the DGT – Deutsche Gamestage – an event initiated by the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg in Berlin in 2007.

The umbrella brand of the INTERNATIONAL GAMES WEEK BERLIN 2014 from 8—13 April includes the following events:


Opening Summit: the official opening event, April 8

Matchmaking Dinner: VIP gala event, April 8

Quo Vadis. Create.Game.Business: games business and development conference, April 8—10

A MAZE. / Berlin: Independent video games festival, April 9—11

Gamefest at the Computerspielemuseum: (Computer Games Museum)

Making Games Talents: recruitment event, April 12

The events are funded by the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. The INTERNATIONAL GAMES WEEK BERLIN 2014 is hosted and coordinated by Booster Space. Event Partners: Aruba Events, A MAZE., Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur, IDG Media, Computerspielemuseum, BIU, G.A.M.E., berlinbrandenburg, Projekt Zukunft Berlin.

Text: International Games Week

Bild: Cafe Moskau